Carrie will be celebrating her 100th Birthday next year. She owned a grocery store in the neighborhood. It was a gathering spot for all the neighbors. She was married twice and outlived both husbands. She enjoyed her church functions and was an elder in the Pentecostal church. She was also active on her political committee, for which she watched the polls every year. She has five children who all live close by and state that they will visit often. However, since admission they have only visited to bring in her belongings.
She was admitted on a ventilator along with a fractured right arm. She also has MRSA and VRE. She is in a private room, has been very demanding of nursing staff and is always on the call bell. Nursing has requested that Activities give her something to do.
What type of activities, that you currently have on the calendar would she be interested in? How can you adapt her situation to include activities of interest??? How do we go about getting her interested in her new living situation.
At March 3, 2005 at 7:58 AM,
Kathy said…
Carrie presents as an extremely social and socially contected individual. She is currently bed bound and needs to have 1-1 activities available for her. Her family can be supportive if approached with helping out.
What kinds of programs can we adapt to meet her needs? How can we adapt her environment for the neighborhood visitors to feel welcomed?
At April 5, 2005 at 9:22 AM,
Kathy said…
Carrie could be involved with 1-1 activities in her room. The materials that we bring in, however, have to be left there. We can make sure that she gets the daily paper and the weekly neighborhood paper. We can set her up with the RSVP call an Elder program so that every day at the same time she can call some of the elderly at home people in the neighborhood. We are also encouraging her to cut out coupons and make them available at the Senior Center for folks on a limited income. We are also having her call area restaurants for their menus for delivery info.
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